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Positive Coaching Scotland - PCS Pledge
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2. Positive Coaching Scotland - PCS Pledge

Dalkeith Thistle FC promotes the principles set out by the SFA with regards to Positive Coaching.

Positive Coaching Scotland (PCS) is a cultural change programme designed to create a positive environment for young people in sport, by teaching them to:

• appreciate the value of effort and learning;

• improve personal performance;

• foster a competitive, but fair, sporting mentality;

• deal positively with mistakes.

PCS do this by instructing the key influencers in a young person's life (namely parents, teachers, coaches and leaders) how to coach sport 'the PCS' way.

The Current Way.....
99.5% of children never make it to elite sports level. Yet we still have a coaching approach that’s based on the win at all costs mentality inherited from professional sport.

The PCS Way....
We should be coaching children as individuals, and focusing on their long-term development. PCS promotes a more realistic alternative: the 'Double Goal Coach’: The first goal is trying to win the competition, but the second and more important goal is teaching young people life skills.

The Current Way......
Over 70% of young people drop out of sport by the age of 14. The figure is significantly higher for girls, who are missing out on the opportunity to develop character-building life skills and remain physically active.

The PCS Way.......
Using proven tools and techniques, PCS creates an encouraging environment to ensure that young Scots enjoy sport and want to continue doing it into adulthood.

To learn more about Positive Coaching Scotland and what they do please visit the Sport Scotland Website: PCS SCOTLAND