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Care Team & Counselling Service

Care Team & Counselling Service

Dalkeith Thistle and Midlothian based support service 'Alive & Kicking' have teamed up to provide a football based network for men experiencing mental health issues.

Former Arniston Rangers, Penicuik Athletic and Whitehill Welfare player Ninian Cassidy (62), is the man behind Alive and Kicking, a team set up last summer with funding from Midlothian and East Lothian Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP)

The project is an opportunity for young men to learn life skills, improve fitness, meet new people, receive football coaching and receive inspiration from guest football players.

The course includes weekly 90 minute training sessions at a local venue with an additional peer support group, alongside others facing similar issues.

For more information on the planned sessions for summer 2015, please contact Ninan Cassidy on 07957845969
The project is supported by Midlothian based counselling service Midspace in order to promote 'Choose Life', a national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in Scotland.

The lead Project Worker is John Murphy of Midlothian Menshare, a mental health provider based at the Orchard Centre in Bonnyrigg.

The program will involve group talks to club members & supporters, leaflet & poster distribution as well as some planned football related events at King's Park, Dalkeith

If you would like any further information on this initiative, or for advice on how to access the Dalkeith Thistle Care Team services please do not hesitate to contact John on 0131 663 1616, or by email:

Help a friend stay in the game

Did you know?
- Suicide affects all ages. In 2010 the highest suicide rate in Scotland was for those aged 30-49 years
- Almost three out of four suicides are by men
- Most people who attempt suicide do not want to die; they want to end the pain they are suffering

Can suicide be prevented?
- Every suicide is unique, but if intent is detected early, many suicides can be prevented
- If you feel suicidal, don't hide it, talk to someone you trust or phone a helpline

If you suspect someone you care about is considering suicide:
- Ask them - it could help save their life
- Support them to get professional help
- Take them seriously
- Be willing to listen
- Voice your concern

Midlothian Early Intervention Crisis Response Service: 0131 663 5533
Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90
NHS 24: 08454 24 24 24

Sport Chaplaincy

Local Football Initiatives
Alive & Kicking, Ninian Cassidy - Midlothian Advertiser piece CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
Football Tournament to kick off 'world suicide prevention week 2014' CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE

Updated February 2015